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The re-write tip can often write corrections over the particular erased area and you will find there's choice of six vibrant ink colours. The Pilot Justus 95 fountain pen is a new and adjustable nib feature pen that looks very intriguing. This isn't just the plain fountain pen --- they have got a black resin barley design with gold trim.

1: ユリア: 2011/04/07 (Thu) 15:26:29 暇な人は来てください! きっと、いい話し相手が見つかるはず… わたしのことは、ユリアと呼んでもらえば結構です! 2: ユリア 9TONOXcenw: 2011/04/07 (Thu) 15:31:59 ですが、この掲示板には


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